Worship - More Than Music
Every day as we walk through our lives we are being deeply formed by our world. Media, marketing, and many other forces have a significant impact in shaping our vision and values. When we gather for Christian worship, it gives us an opportunity to re-frame our vision and reform our hearts into the kinds of people Jesus Christ would have us to be. We see our weekend worship gathering as vision and formation to renew our minds and hearts for the kingdom of God.
We want to be the church, rather than simply attend it. Our elements of worship and church life reflect this desire. Whether we are learning together, praising our God together, serving in the music ministry, playing together, or ministering to others through a variety of outreaches, our goal is to glorify our great God!
Come as you are. Our concern is not your dress, but that you are seeking to experience relationship with Jesus the Christ. When you come, expect to experience genuine fellowship with friendly people, God-honoring worship, and teaching of the Word. Bring the whole family, as *children are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship with the family.
*We welcome the joyful sounds of children in worship. A Cry Nursery is available at the back of the sanctuary, where parents may take their infants and small children if the need arises. This Cry Nursery is equipped with sound proof glass and speakers, allowing the parents to continue to participate in worship, while staying with their children.
We want to be the church, rather than simply attend it. Our elements of worship and church life reflect this desire. Whether we are learning together, praising our God together, serving in the music ministry, playing together, or ministering to others through a variety of outreaches, our goal is to glorify our great God!
Come as you are. Our concern is not your dress, but that you are seeking to experience relationship with Jesus the Christ. When you come, expect to experience genuine fellowship with friendly people, God-honoring worship, and teaching of the Word. Bring the whole family, as *children are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship with the family.
*We welcome the joyful sounds of children in worship. A Cry Nursery is available at the back of the sanctuary, where parents may take their infants and small children if the need arises. This Cry Nursery is equipped with sound proof glass and speakers, allowing the parents to continue to participate in worship, while staying with their children.
We're glad to have you join us!
Sunday School
At 9:15 am, we have Sunday School for adults, youth, and children. In these classes, we study the Bible and enjoy being together in a smaller and more informal setting. At various times, we also offer our Foundations Class during the 9:15 hour, where those considering membership can learn more about our church. At 10:00, all are invited to meet in the Pastor's study for a brief time of prayer for the church family, community, and worship service.
Gathering Time
Members and visitors gather after Sunday School classes at 10:00 am in the back of the sanctuary for coffee, orange juice, and donuts. Our Gathering Time provides old and young alike the opportunity talk, get to know one another, and catch up.
Family Worship
We worship the Lord together at 10:30 am immediately following Gathering Time. Our worship service is simple, traditional, reformed, and liturgical – centered around the Word of God, and focused on the Lord Jesus Christ. At St. James Church, we take advantage of the unique teaching opportunities available to us as we worship together as families. Children are more than welcome in our services, and even participate in such things as acolyting (lighting of the candles) and children's choir. A Cry Nursery is available at the back of the sanctuary, where parents may take their infants and small children if the need arises. This Cry Nursery is equipped with sound proof glass and speakers, allowing the parents to continue to participate in the worship experience, while staying with their children.
Our worship service is filled with opportunities to lift praise and exalt our great God by singing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in our hearts” (Colossians 3:16). Our songs are primarily hymns of the faith, rich in content and deep in meaning. Our music in worship allows us to glorify God with the whole person and proclaim the Gospel with creativity. One of the great blessings of congregational singing at St. James Church is hearing one another sing with loud voices and joyful hearts, as we use this means of grace so that the word of Christ would dwell in us richly. We are also constantly blessed as men, women, and children learn to serve and use their God-given creativity to glorify Jesus Christ through participation in vocal and handbell choirs, as well as special music.
Prayer is an ever-present and always important part of our worship service. We bring our prayers of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication to our gracious Lord who hears us. We generally will open our service with a call to worship and prayer of invocation in unison to our Lord, as we read them together from the bulletin. We generally take a few minutes to individually and silently confess our sins to the Lord after the reading of Scripture. What a great joy it is to then hear the “words of assurance” from God’s Holy Word, encouraging us of our forgiveness in the Lord Jesus Christ!
One of the favorite times of the service for many is a family prayer time when members and visitors are given opportunity to voice their prayer concerns and praises before the congregation. This allows us to pray for one another, as the Scripture teaches. This prayer time is generally closed by the Pastor and the congregation reciting the Lord’s Prayer together.
Bible Reading
Our worship service is saturated with the public reading of God’s Word. Many times we read a passage from the Old Testament or a passage from the New Testament, and the section of Scripture upon which the sermon is based. Our “call to worship” and “words of assurance” are also directly taken from God’s Holy Word.
Preaching at St. James Church is expositional and textual, which means that we seek to explain the meaning of a Biblical text, verse-by-verse and in context. Sermons usually last around 35 minutes. Our goal in preaching and hearing is to understand and apply the Word of God to our daily lives. The good news of Jesus Christ is what drives our preaching.
The Lord’s Supper
On the first Sunday of the month and on other special Lord’s Days, we experience the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper together. This is a time of reflection, self-examination and communion with our Savior. The Lord’s table is a “family meal” that is open to all baptized individuals who claim Christ as Lord and Savior.
Offering & Giving
As followers of Christ, part of our service to the Lord includes worshiping Him through giving. During this time, members of the congregation give a portion of their weekly earnings to the church for the glory of God and for use in the ministry of the gospel through our church. Visitors are welcome to participate in this time of giving, but are by no means expected or required to do so.
We end our worship service, usually around 11:45 am, with singing and a benediction. Although the formal time of our meeting is over at this point, one of the characteristics of St. James Church is that many folks stay and enjoy speaking with one another long after the worship service is over.
At 9:15 am, we have Sunday School for adults, youth, and children. In these classes, we study the Bible and enjoy being together in a smaller and more informal setting. At various times, we also offer our Foundations Class during the 9:15 hour, where those considering membership can learn more about our church. At 10:00, all are invited to meet in the Pastor's study for a brief time of prayer for the church family, community, and worship service.
Gathering Time
Members and visitors gather after Sunday School classes at 10:00 am in the back of the sanctuary for coffee, orange juice, and donuts. Our Gathering Time provides old and young alike the opportunity talk, get to know one another, and catch up.
Family Worship
We worship the Lord together at 10:30 am immediately following Gathering Time. Our worship service is simple, traditional, reformed, and liturgical – centered around the Word of God, and focused on the Lord Jesus Christ. At St. James Church, we take advantage of the unique teaching opportunities available to us as we worship together as families. Children are more than welcome in our services, and even participate in such things as acolyting (lighting of the candles) and children's choir. A Cry Nursery is available at the back of the sanctuary, where parents may take their infants and small children if the need arises. This Cry Nursery is equipped with sound proof glass and speakers, allowing the parents to continue to participate in the worship experience, while staying with their children.
Our worship service is filled with opportunities to lift praise and exalt our great God by singing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in our hearts” (Colossians 3:16). Our songs are primarily hymns of the faith, rich in content and deep in meaning. Our music in worship allows us to glorify God with the whole person and proclaim the Gospel with creativity. One of the great blessings of congregational singing at St. James Church is hearing one another sing with loud voices and joyful hearts, as we use this means of grace so that the word of Christ would dwell in us richly. We are also constantly blessed as men, women, and children learn to serve and use their God-given creativity to glorify Jesus Christ through participation in vocal and handbell choirs, as well as special music.
Prayer is an ever-present and always important part of our worship service. We bring our prayers of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication to our gracious Lord who hears us. We generally will open our service with a call to worship and prayer of invocation in unison to our Lord, as we read them together from the bulletin. We generally take a few minutes to individually and silently confess our sins to the Lord after the reading of Scripture. What a great joy it is to then hear the “words of assurance” from God’s Holy Word, encouraging us of our forgiveness in the Lord Jesus Christ!
One of the favorite times of the service for many is a family prayer time when members and visitors are given opportunity to voice their prayer concerns and praises before the congregation. This allows us to pray for one another, as the Scripture teaches. This prayer time is generally closed by the Pastor and the congregation reciting the Lord’s Prayer together.
Bible Reading
Our worship service is saturated with the public reading of God’s Word. Many times we read a passage from the Old Testament or a passage from the New Testament, and the section of Scripture upon which the sermon is based. Our “call to worship” and “words of assurance” are also directly taken from God’s Holy Word.
Preaching at St. James Church is expositional and textual, which means that we seek to explain the meaning of a Biblical text, verse-by-verse and in context. Sermons usually last around 35 minutes. Our goal in preaching and hearing is to understand and apply the Word of God to our daily lives. The good news of Jesus Christ is what drives our preaching.
The Lord’s Supper
On the first Sunday of the month and on other special Lord’s Days, we experience the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper together. This is a time of reflection, self-examination and communion with our Savior. The Lord’s table is a “family meal” that is open to all baptized individuals who claim Christ as Lord and Savior.
Offering & Giving
As followers of Christ, part of our service to the Lord includes worshiping Him through giving. During this time, members of the congregation give a portion of their weekly earnings to the church for the glory of God and for use in the ministry of the gospel through our church. Visitors are welcome to participate in this time of giving, but are by no means expected or required to do so.
We end our worship service, usually around 11:45 am, with singing and a benediction. Although the formal time of our meeting is over at this point, one of the characteristics of St. James Church is that many folks stay and enjoy speaking with one another long after the worship service is over.